Last-Minute Kid’s Ninja Costume

Slay the trick-or-treating scene with this DIY kid’s ninja costume! No-sew and simple as can be — perfect for a last-minute showstopper. You’ll have so much fun whipping up this ensemble and your little ninjas will love the results! Scroll down to see how we made it.
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Slay the Halloween Scene
If your kid loves ninjas, then this is the costume to make! We’ve listed all the tools and materials you’ll need for your kid’s ninja costume as well as step-by-step instructions. You can find the accessories for this kid’s ninja costume here. Once you’re ready to make this costume, you can download the pattern below.
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- Gather the tools and materials listed above.
- Cut out the paper pattern and tape together where indicated. Pin to the felt and trace around it using a pencil or fabric marker.
- Mirror the pattern and trace the other side.
- Cut the tabard out of the felt. Our tabard was the full length of the felt, which was 36”x36”.
Full tutorial available for members. Join here!
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- Scissors
- Cutting Machine (for iron-on design)
- Rotary Cutter, Mat, and Ruler (recommended)
- Iron, Ironing Board, and Press Cloth
- Sewing Pins
- Red Felt – 1 yard
- Red Cotton Ribbon (optional)
- Pencil or Fabric Marker
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Hello –
I was making this for my nephew, who is turning 6. Do you suggest sticking with the pattern sizing? I have teens now, so my concept on size and age are very off. He is an average sized 6 year old and I know the pattern allows for some room/growth. Just curious.
This should work for a 6-year-old. The child in the photo is about 8, so it will give him room to grow into it.