Under the Sea Thank You Cards

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Now that I have shared the under the sea party invitations, backdrop and party props and under the sea party favors for creating a fabulous children’s birthday party, it is time to give the next piece of the puzzle: under the sea thank you cards! Sending out thank you cards is always something that has been important to me, especially if any sort of gift-giving is involved. Use these under the sea thank you cards to send out to all the guests that attended your party! Plus, these cards create the perfect opportunity to teach your kids lessons in gratitude and appreciation.
We created two styles of the under the sea thank you cards, one that is a folded note card and one that is a fill-in card. To match the under the sea party invitations, these cards come in both a purple color scheme and a blue color scheme. Each card features the same adorable whale illustration from the corresponding invitations. The first card option is the folded note card, which showcases the same design as the envelopes liners from the invitation set. The second card option is the fill-in card, where kids can write in the names of their guest and the gift they received.
Because none of these cards are editable, you simply have to choose which design you like best and print them onto 8.5 x 11 white card stock. We decided to use our Canon PIXMA MG7720 Wireless Photo All-in-One Printer when printing our cards so our colors could be as vibrant as possible. After printing your cards, trim them to size and then write in your thank yous! Once they are trimmed, the under the sea thank you cards are 4 bar size. The download below conveniently includes printable envelopes, mailing labels, and stickers to pair with your cards. Print the envelopes onto white card stock and fold along the score lines. If you would like to use the stickers or mailing labels to decorate your envelopes, you can print them onto full-sheet label paper and trim each individually.
Browse our entire under the sea party set to start planning your nautical celebration! Stay tuned for a set of under the sea cupcake toppers, plus a super cute garland to include with your party decor! I would love to see your party photos, so please share them with me by tagging your Instagram photos with #DIYDreamingWithLia or emailing them to hello@liagriffith.com. And here’s a pro tip: you might want to play the Under the Sea song from the Little Mermaid to help get you in the mood for this party. It has been stuck in my head the entire time I’ve been writing this! Cheers ~ Lia
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