Felt Crafts

Felt Flowers

 Beginner  60min +

Felt Red Clover Wreath

 Beginner  60min +

Felt Bleeding Heart Flower

 Beginner  60min +

Felt Winter Greenery Wreath

 Beginner  60min +

Felt Holiday Floral Wreath

 Intermediate  60min

Felt Red Poinsettia

 --  60min +

Felt Japanese Maple Branch

 Beginner  60min

Felt Floral Field Mouse Headband

 Beginner  60min

Felt Chinese Lantern

 Intermediate  60min +

Felt Apricot Zinnia

 Intermediate  60min

Felt Protea Repens

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We may have started out with paper flowers, but we also love to make felt flowers, leaves, and plants! Just like our paper flowers, they're gorgeous, zero-maintenance, and they last forever. So if you love to work with felt, scroll on down!
You can make felt flowers for your home, create felt garlands, or use our felt flower patterns to make pretty headbands. You'll also find felt flower ideas for more momentous occasions. Our felt flower mobile is gorgeous for a nursery. And we have some felt flower bouquets that are perfect for your DIY wedding.
Whatever felt crafts you want to make, we're here to support you, share our crafting techniques, and teach you lifelong skills. Ready to get started on your creative journey? Sign up for your own crafting membership.