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Holidays & Events

Other Holiday Projects

 Beginner  30min

Spring Floral Hanging Lantern

 Beginner  30min

Cherry Blossom Treat Boxes

 Beginner  60min

Felt Floral Field Mouse Headband

 Beginner  Quick

Paper Papel Lanterns

 Kids  Quick

Papercut Cardstock Tacos

 --  30min

Seed Packet Earth Day Craft

DIY sugar skull mask for Dia De Los Muertos
 Beginner  30min

Sugar Skull Mask

6 Quick and Easy Memorial Day Crafts

Day of the Dead skeleton party banner
 Beginner  --

Day of the Dead Candle Wraps

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Take a peek at our other Holiday projects that deserve a space on our beloved collection! Unleash your creativity today! Simply head over to our membership page and choose a plan that suits you. Sign up for one month or treat yourself to annual membership and enjoy access to our library of over 2000 DIY downloads.