Crepe Paper StephanotisStephanotis flowers hold a very special place in my heart. I had never tried making them before, but once the extra fine crepe paper line was in the works, I knew that it would be the perfect material for this flower. They are very fragile and they smell gorgeous – they are also known as Madagascar Jasmine for their delicious fragrance. I always think of Stephanotis as kind of a vintage flower. You don’t see them around very often. The reason that they are so special to me is that my mother carried them in her bridal bouquet on my parents wedding day. So of course, I am dedicating these crepe paper stephanotis flowers to her.

Start your crepe paper stephanotis project by picking out your materials in the shop. We specifically used Linen, Fern, and Juniper extra fine papers. Because these flowers are so small, you will be able to get a lot out of each roll of crepe. You will also need floral tape and 18-Gauge green paper covered wire for this project. Once you have your materials, print the PDF template below to use as a guide for cutting your crepe petals. We used the crepe leaf template from the crepe paper garden rose. Next, follow the printable instructions and step-by-step photo tutorial below to assemble the crepe paper stephanotis.

Click here for our beginner’s guide on how to make crepe paper flowers.



Crepe Paper StephanotisCrepe Paper StephanotisCrepe Paper Stephanotis

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These beautiful white flowers are a gorgeous addition to any home decor scheme. Unfortunately they do not have the same fragrance as the real thing. But on the upside these paper flowers will never die! If you want to see what other flowers you can make with the Linen crepe paper, check out my crepe paper magnolias and my crepe paper garden roses. Or, browse all of the projects using my extra fine crepe! Please don’t forget to share your project photos with me too! Post them on Instagram using #MadeWithLia and have fun! ~ Lia & teamThese beautiful white flowers are a gorgeous addition to any home decor scheme. Unfortunately they do not have the same fragrance as the real thing. But on the upside these paper flowers will never die! If you want to see what other flowers you can make with the White crepe, check out my crepe paper magnolias and my crepe paper garden roses. Or, browse all of the projects using my extra fine crepe! Please don’t forget to share your project photos with me too! Post them on Instagram using #DIYDreamingWithLia, and use #crepepaperrevival for your specific crepe creations. Have fun! ~ Lia Save
