
To complete this project, you can take a small twig wreath which you can pick up from the local florist or craft store. Take a length of floral wire and attach it to the feet of your partridge by twisting it around the ‘ankle’. Secure the partridge to the wreath at an angle by poking the wire through the twigs and twisting to secure. Next, take another length of floral wire and poke it through the base of the pear on the side. Set the pear in the wreath and secure to the twigs by threading it through and twisting to secure.

I would suggest that you play around with the placement of your partridge and pears before you secure anything down. I like to set my wreath of a table and move pieces around until I feel that it looks ‘right’. This is unique to everyone so have a little confidence in your ability to design something that is perfect for you!

If you have been inspired to make any of our felted birds, make sure to share your creations with us on our Facebook page or using #DIYDreamingWithLia on Instagram or Twitter. We love to see your work!  ~ Lia and the Team



