Honey Bee Thank You CardsPlanning a wedding can be an amazing opportunity to explore your personal style. It’s your big day and you can plan it in any way that you want! If you are looking for elegance with a playful twist, our Honey Bee Wedding Set may fit perfectly as your wedding theme. This theme is fabulous for anyone who wants to have organic, natural accents in their wedding decor. If you want to use this set, we have a full printable invitation suite, wedding gift tags, and wedding favor boxes. After the big day is over, you can then send out these gorgeous honey bee thank you cards to thank everyone who shared your special day with you. 

If you used the honey bee invitation suite, you will already have the correct fonts downloaded on your computer. To edit these honey bee thank you cards, download and install the free fonts Paduka Script, Arcon, and Chapaza Regular. Every line of text on this card is editable, so feel free to customize it in any way that you want! Edit the Thank You line with Paduka Script, the family name with Arcon, and the date with Chapaza Regular. If you do not want to include the second or third line, you can easily leave those spaces blank.

Once you have customized your cards, you can print them onto 8.5 x 11 white card stock. The honey bee thank you cards have a gorgeous watercolor detailing in a soft yellow with the charming vintage bee hive design that I love. To complement this, I would recommend finding a light, neutral colored envelope at your local stationery store. This card is a standard A2 size, so there should be a great selection of envelopes that you can choose from! Most importantly, I want to say congratulations and best wishes to all the newlyweds and soon-to-be newlyweds out there. Life is sweet! ~ Lia
