Though delicate and lovely, we consider this crepe paper beauty an advanced-level project. However, have no fear! This project includes a video tutorial to ensure you won't embark on this challenge alone. These Crepe Paper Lotus are perfect for those with experience in paper flower making who want to try something more intricate. From working with rich, textured crepe paper, to using your cutting tools — we'll guide you through each element.

Throughout art and culture, the lotus has come to symbolize spiritual enlightenment and the blessing of new beginnings. These gorgeous blooms have been depicted in paintings, sculptures, and textiles for centuries, especially in China and India. In addition to its beauty, The lotus is revered for its deep connection to spiritual harmony and balance as well. As you craft your paper version, we hope you feel similarly connected and at peace.

When crafting your  Crepe Paper Lotus, our video tutorial will help with techniques that highlight the lotus' unique beauty. You'll learn advanced techniques to shape your crepe paper, precisely creating each delicate petal and intricate fold. Additionally, well show how precise detailing and a deft hand can result in a fully detailed bloom, rivaled only by nature's perfection.

Once your Crepe Paper Lotus is complete, get ready to add a touch of tranquility and sophistication to your home. Arrange them in a vase or sturdy pitcher for an elegant centerpiece. They also make a thoughtful gift for those looking for peace and beauty in this new year. 

We truly can't wait to celebrate your crafting triumph once you're all finished. So please don't forget to share your stunning Crepe Paper Lotus with our crafters' community, or upload them to Instagram and tag us with #MadeWithLia.

